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Works Practices

The VESI Work Practices Committee (WPC) was established in May 2012. The primary purpose of the Committee is to provide a forum to establish common outcomes for work practices within the VESI Distribution businesses. The Committee membership provides a diverse range of skills, experience and expertise in the area of Work Practices and Health and Safety. {source}


The Work Practices Committee develops and reviews practical guidance material for the safe undertaking of works on VESI networks.

All employees, contractors and sub-contractors are obligated to follow safety procedures and to ensure that their actions do not endanger themselves, other workers or members of the public.

Committee Members

Network Operator / Company Representative
Ausnet Services      
CitiPower/Powercor Adam Beel    
Jemena Mark Gardiner    
United Energy Robert Foord    
Energy Safe Victoria Barry Heywood    


The purpose of this section is to provide VESI Employees and Contractors awareness of events or industry related matters that are relevant to the electricity supply industry.

 Crossarm Gin Failure

Work Practice Reference Material


 Managing Open Pole Holes within the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry  

This guidance note has been produced by the VESI Work Practice Committee to provide practical guidelines for electricity supply industry personnel to identify and manage the risk associated with open pole holes when working for VESI Distribution Businesses.

Guidance Note for Manoeuvring Loads with EWP's Manoeuvring Loads with EWP's Presentation

This guideline has been produced by the VESI Work Practice Committee following discussions with Worksafe regarding the suitability of an EWP to lift and support crossarms and other materials on the basket rim.

 Guidance Notes for Drop Zone Management within the VESI

When working at height there is always a possibility of equipment, tools or other materials falling into the worksite below. This risk is managed by establishing a “Drop Zone” which is an established practice in the VESI and is underpinned by training and a knowledge of working aloft within the Electricity Supply Industry.

This guideline details the minimum requirements for the management of drop zones within VESI.

Use of LV Insulated Cover Up When Working Live

Whilst no injuries have been sustained following a spate of work practice related incidents involving the clashing of LV conductors, the Work Practice Committee have released the following memo reinforcing the need to apply appropriate levels of LV insulation cover up when working live.

Working On Overhead Substation LV Bus Conductors Live

This memo was raised after a recent query in relation to working on distribution Low Voltage) (LV) overhead substation bus conductors live. The memo outlines the principles of associated LV fusing and standard work practices requirements whilst performing works within the substation bus.

Approved Tasks for the Application of Safe Approach Distance – Special

This guideline has been created to enable the application of SAD Special for safe access, operation or performance of approved tasks by an electrical trade person who holds an authority to receive EAPs, SFT or Operate HV.


Toolbox Discussion Topics

Network Switching Principles Toolbox Discussion

VESI members have identified basic principle breaches occurring in both High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) switching activities on Distribution Networks. These breaches whilst not directly resulting in any near misses or incidents to either the Operator or the Work Party undermine established safety rules designed to protect all parties accessing the Network safely. The VESI Work Practices Committee has provided the following information to be discussed with all personnel authorised or permitted to perform HV or LV switching activities within the VESI.

Tools & Equipment

Insulated Tools & Equipment

HV Live Work Equipment - Awareness Bulletin

This Awareness Bulletin has been produced by the VESI Work Practices Committee to highlight recent field audit inspection findings. This toolbox talk focuses on the inspection requirements associated with LV insulating gloves.

  HV Live Work Equipment - Awareness Bulletin

This Awareness Bulletin has been produced by the VESI HV Live Work & Work Practices Committees to highlight the responsibilities surrounding the maintenance and care of insulated live work equipment.

Panther Tail Covers for Live Low Voltage Work within the VESI

The VESI Work Practice Committee recommends that Tiger Tail Guards (Yellow and Black) should not be used by VESI field workers for Live LV work practices. The VESI Work Practice Committee has agreed that the Balmoral Engineering brand all black LV Tree Guard (item no. TPP35) would be acceptable for use when performing Live LV work subject to any business procurement requirements.


!- END Insulated Tools & Equipment


  AMPACT Taps, Stirrups, and Application Tooling Manual

 TE Connectivity instructional videos for AMPACT tool use, maintenance and cleaning can be found at the following links.

AMPACT Instructional Video Part 1 of 2 clicking here

AMPACT Instructional Video Part 2 of 2 clicking here


Fieldworkers' Handbook


This VESI FWHB, is a compilation of work practices for the use of VESI field based personnel. The FWHB incorporates a revision of the 2006 VESI Fieldworker Handbook. The Handbook is not intended to contradict the National Competencies or materials commonly used by RTO’s.

Ownership and copyright © of the FWHB lies with the VESI Distribution and Transmission businesses.

Download the Fieldworker Handbook

HV Live Work

The VESI Minimum Rules For Carrying Out High Voltage Live Work In Victoria have been formulated by the HV Live Work Committee and have been circulated throughout the electricity supply industry in Victoria for the guidance of persons and organisation that conduct High Voltage Live Work.


The rules published at this webpage pertaining to High Voltage Live Work are the minimum standards to be applied when conducting HV live work throughout Victoria. Organisations may enhance or supplement rules provided this does not result in reduced safety standards. The underlying aim of the Rules is to provide a consistent set of rules and guidelines, agreeable to all stakeholders. Training / Assessments

Training providers shall be Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) whose scope of registration accredits them to deliver the training. Relevant RTO’s can be found at

Additional assessment material is available in the download section below.

 Committee Members
Network Operator / Company Representative
Ausnet Services Peter Mobbs    
CitiPower/Powercor Tim Smith (Chair) Jim Samarniotis  
Jemena Mark Gardiner Dan Ploegmakers  
United Energy Robert Foord    
Contractors Colin Arnold    
Registered Training Organisations Scott Parkinson (Energy Services) Ray Sanders (Sandcorp)  

HV Live Work Downloads

The following documents may be used as guidance for companies to help record assessments of crews undertaking High Voltage Live Work in Victoria.

HV Live Work Rules

HV Glove and Barrier Technique Assessment

HV Stick Technique Assessment

HV Live Work Crane Operator Checklist

Load Support Equipment

HV Live Work Mid Span Isolator Maintenance guideline.

VESI HV Live work Memorandums:

VESI Hastings Vee Arm Memorandum

Installations & Connections

The VESI Installation Supply & Connection Test Procedures (ISCTP) define the principles, tests and procedures required to prove the correct polarity and neutral connection integrity to a customer's electrical installation from the Distributors electricity network.

The current version of the VESI ISCTP Manual dated January 2024 is now available in the download section below.


The VESI ICTP Committee provides a forum for Victorian Electricity Distributors to manage and communicate the VESI Installation Supply & Connection Test Procedures and associated matters through:

  • Development and maintenance of the procedures
  • Formation and administration of Working Groups
  • Providing availability and accessibility to the current procedures

Committee Membership

Network Operator / Company Representative
Ausnet Services Peter Mobbs  
United Energy Tony Martucci  
Registered Training Organisation Grant Roe (ET&D)  

Installation Connection Objectives and Principles


To ensure the safe connection of electrical installations to the Victorian Electricity Supply Network by:

  • Providing correct polarity of electrical connections to the customer’s main switchboard
  • Providing a supply neutral of less than 1 Ω impedance to the customer’s main switchboard
  • Providing correct phase sequence to the customer’s main switchboard
  • Maintaining safe systems of work during the connection process

Connection Principles:

  1. All conductive components and associated work area assumed to be de-energised shall be proven de-energised by test, prior to the commencement of work.
  2. Installation Under Test notice/s shall be placed at any point of which live apparatus is exposed to, or accessible by, other parties not involved in the connection process e.g. electricians, general public.
  3. All neutral conductors/connections shall be readily identifiable by colour, or termination position and tagged where required.
  4. A Neutral Integrity Test Point (NITP) shall be established on the electrical installation to validate Check Testing and Neutral & Supply Testing Procedures.
  5. Polarity Testing shall be conducted on the Supply/Service conductors where the supply neutral conductor has been connected or disconnected and reconnected.
  6. Supply Testing shall be conducted on the Supply/Service conductors where the service neutral conductor has been connected or disconnected and reconnected.
  7. A final Neutral and Supply Test shall be conducted to an established NITP.
  8. Phase sequence shall be established on new installations to be correct to the metering equipment and on existing installations in a manner to ensure the correct operation of 3 phase equipment
  9. Installation or changes to Metering equipment to be checked for correct functionality.
  10. Check Testing shall be conducted:
    • To ensure correct polarity of neutral connections to the main switchboard.
    • With switching circuits energised to ensure correct polarity of neutral connections on any occasion where the connection work has involved the installation of new metering equipment or alterations or additions to  existing metering equipment.

Installation Connection Manual Download

2024 Manual Update

Consultation between the Distributors and the VESI Connection Tests & Procedures Committee has led t approved changes to the VESI ITCP Manual. The January 2024 manual replaces the June 2017 version as the current manual. A letter to Stakeholders including a summary of changes is available below in at the January 2024 Changes download tab.

January 2024  Changes ISCT&P Manual 2024


HRC Fuse Reference Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide reference to field, technical and engineering staff on HRC fuse test results, which have been collated from samples provided from the field in VESI.

HRC Fuse Reference Guide Downloads

The scope of this document itemises HRC fuses found on VESI networks.

LV HRC Fuse Reference Guide