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About VEDN

About VEDN The Victorian Electrical Distribution Networks (VEDN) is a committee of the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry (VESI) which is responsible for accrediting contractors who are involved in the civil aspects of underground electrical infrastructure. Examples of these works include: {source}

  • Excavations
  • Trenching
  • Installation of conduits/ducts
  • Boring
  • Cable hauling
  • Installation of earthing systems


The objective of the VEDN is to:

  • Develop, review and maintain an Accreditation and accompanying Quality Assurance System suitable for civil infrastructure contractors working in the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry (VESI).
  • Provide a forum to standardise and unify requirements across the five Victorian Distribution Businesses.
  • Monitor the performance of contractors and act to maintain the integrity of the accreditation and registration process.

Committee Members

Membership of the Victorian Electrical Distribution Networks (VEDN) Committee is made up of the following VESI employees:

Network Operator Representative Contact details
Ausnet Services Rod Berry 8 Beaconsfield Avenue Beaconsfield 3807
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Ausnet Services Lucas Jurey 30 Melba Avenue Lilydale 3140
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CitiPower / Powercor Peter Gillham 82 Roseneath St North Geelong 3215
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CitiPower / Powercor  Damien Oudin

82 Roseneath St North Geelong 3215
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Jemena John Vasilopoulos (Chair)  Level 16 567 Collins St Melbourne 3000                       
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United Energy Adam Beel 635 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley 3150
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Find someone VEDN approved

The register contains listings of all VEDN Approved - Contractors, Auditors and RTOs.

The Register contains the following resources Click to Search
Note: opens up a new tab
Civil Contractors (Pre Qualified/Accredited) Contractors
Worksite Auditors - Developer/Customer/Network Employees Auditors
Recognised System Auditors System Auditors
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) RTOs

Apply to become VEDN approved?


Click the function below to see more info or begin an application.



System Auditors

Registered Training Organisations


Civil Contractor

  • Engage a VEDN Recognised System Auditor to complete office audit of their HSE&Q management systems
  • System auditor to complete the VEDN Network Requirements
  • Arrange for staff to complete an approved training course on the installation requirements of electrical infrastructure assets
  • Make application to Network Panel for civil contractor accreditation
  • Present audit results to Network Panel
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  • Complete approved training
  • Make application for a VEDN auditor
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Registered training organisations (RTO)

  • Make application
  • Meet with VEDN representative
  • Sign the deed of agreement
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Integrated Management System auditor (IMS)

  • Make application
  • Provide auditor CVs
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How do I apply

Send your application/s and documents to the VEDN representative for your business location

1. Civil Contractor:

  • Engage a VEDN Recognised System Auditor to complete office audit of their HSE&Q management systems.
  • System to be audited against electrical infrastructure works requirements.
  • Arrange for staff to complete an approved training course on the installation requirements of electrical infrastructure assets.

2. Civil Contractor:

  • Make application to Network Panel for civil contractor accreditation
  • Present audit results to Network Panel.

3. Network Industry Panel:

  • Review accreditation request.
  • If acceptable, grant tender pre qualification approval

4. Civil Contractor:

  • Able to tender for civil electrical infrastructure works
  • Must notify the Network Owner for approval to prior to commence of work
  • Engage a VEDN Recognised System Auditor to confirm the management system previously approved is being used in the field
  • Present audit results to Network Panel.

5. Network Industry Panel:

  • Review audit results
  • If acceptable, grant accreditation approval and register on industry data base

6. Civil Contractor:

  • Maintain annual third party Certification audit of system by an approved body

7. Network Industry Panel:

  • Maintain database of tender pre-qualified and accredited contractors
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Application documents


  • Read the VEDN Civil Accreditation Process document
  • Complete the Application Form
  • Apply for specific project approval from the relevant distributor
  • Certify that you have current insurance
  • Accept the Terms & Conditions
  • Send your completed forms to your Distribution Business Contact
Application Process VEDN Civil Accreditation Process VEDN Auditor Application Form FAQs VEDN IMS requirements Checklist Open Trench - Civil Audit VEDN Technical Standards V1 VEDN Civil Application VEDN NW Special Requirements Guide separation distances from other assets.doc VEDN Industry Panel Charter

Conditions of approval

Victorian Electricity Distribution Network Owners will maintain a register of contractors that meet the VEDN underground electrical infrastructure civil works requirements. Only contractors that have current VEDN approval are to perform these works. Gaining approval will not guarantee any work. The awarding of work to VEDN approved providers will be in accordance with the Network Owner or clients' selection and engagement processes.


Applications for approval or upgrading of an existing approval may be submitted at any time. Applicants must provide sufficient supporting documentation to demonstrate compliance with the specified eligibility criteria for the approval type sought. The applicant will be required to provide as evidence, details of a recent audit of their IMS and its deployment in the field, conducted by a VEDN Recognised Systems Auditor. The applicant applying for approval or upgrading of their current approval status must allow at least six weeks for review of their application after they have submitted the required information.


The company in control of the work must hold the relevant VEDN approval in its own right which does not extend to their subcontractors, subsidiary or other engaged personnel. However subcontractors are permitted provided they are working directly under the Accredited Contractors IMS and contract requirements (i.e. supervision, work practices, auditing process, forms, JSA and a trained person is directly supervising the work at all times.


The Review Panel may place conditions on a contractor’s approval. These conditions could include defined expiry date, the type or scale of work to which the approval applies, or a requirement to use nominated specialist staff or panel approved sub-contractors


The Review Panel will assess applications against the specified eligibility criteria. Applicants may be required to supply additional information to clarify details of their application, or may be requested to provide any necessary authority to enable relevant enquiries to be carried out. By submitting an application for approval status, the applicants are deemed to authorise the Review Panel to seek verification of the information supplied. Applicants will be notified in writing of their approval or non-approval status. Details will be provided in the case of non-acceptance. Unless circumstances warrant an earlier review, approval status will remain valid for a period of three (3) year from the date of approval or the date of any review that confirms the status.


Contractors must notify the Review Panel of any significant change to their technical capacity, address, ownership or holding.


Poor performing Contractors will be required to participate in regular reviews of their performance against the eligibility criteria and approval type. The Review Panel will consider and implement changes if appropriate.


The Review Panel reserves the right to review any Contractor’s approval at any time. The Contractor may also request a review be conducted by the Review Panel. Upon request the Contractor must provide any information required for the review. Failure to comply with any request may result in suspension of the approval.

The Review Panel may at its absolute discretion suspend or reclassify a contractor’s level of approval. Before such action is taken, the Contractor will be given an opportunity to show cause as to why the approval should not be suspended or reclassified. The Contractor will also be given details of the matters prompting the request to show cause. These matters may include:

  • Failure to provide a letter from a VEDN Recognised Systems Auditor confirming the ongoing suitability of your management system and its deployment in the field annually.
  • A period of more than three (3) year has elapsed since the date of approval or review that confirmed the status of the contractor;
  • A period of more than three (3) year has elapsed since the date of approval or review that confirmed the status of the contractor; Unsatisfactory performance;
  • A period of more than three (3) year has elapsed since the date of approval or review that confirmed the status of the contractor; Perceived changes to technical capacity;
  • A period of more than three (3) year has elapsed since the date of approval or review that confirmed the status of the contractor;
  • Breaches of these preliminary or full approval conditions;

Where approval is suspended, the Contractor will be entitled to make application for reinstatement within a nominated period. Such applications will require the contractor to demonstrate that any matters that lead to suspension have been rectified. If approval is not reinstated within the nominated suspension period it will be rescinded and removed from the register.


A determination by the Review Panel of any application for approval or for reclassification, suspension or rescission is at the Review Panels absolute discretion.The Review Panel will not be liable for any costs or damages incurred in the exercise of such discretion.


The VEDN will publish the names, addresses and categories of Approved Contractors on their Internet sites. No responsibility is accepted for any consequences arising from the publication of any such information. In applying for approval, the applicant agrees to the publishing of their company's details and approval status. Other information provided with applications will not be disclosed to any other party except where necessary for the assessment of the application.


Interim Pre-Qualification, Pre-Qualification or Accreditation does not negate the need for a contractor to fully comply with contract conditions. All Contractors must comply fully with all relevant Acts Legislation and Codes of Practice and the Network Owners requirements for the works being undertaken.


By applying for approval contractors agree to accept the Victorian Electricity Distribution Network Owners Conditions of Approval.

What is the VEDN?

This section sets out the Victorian Electrical Distribution Network (VEDN) Management Systems and Special Requirements for contractors interested in undertaking civil underground electrical infrastructure works.

Approved civil contractors

Are civil contractors that meet the VEDN requirements for the installation of underground electrical civil works inclusive of:

  • Integrated management system
  • Trained employees
  • Inspection and Test Procedures
  • Worksite and system audits

Worksite Auditor types

Worksite Auditor (Civil) -approved only to carry out open trench audits (civil) i.e. the initial pit pipe/conduit and trench inspections - (step 1) for Developer / Customer managed projects on Greenfield sites.

Worksite Auditors (Electrical) –approved only to carry out open trench audits (civil) and electrical inspections – (step 1, 2 & 3), for Developer / Customer managed projects. (Not pre commissioning / final inspections) Electrical Auditor Application

Network Worksite Auditors (All stages)Network Auditor employed / contracted to carry out all inspections on all projects including the pre-commissioning/final audits on behalf of the Network Owner

Cable Hauling Auditors (All stages)Electrical Auditor engaged to carry out inspections of the cable hauling process

Network Business Auditor (Electrical) –approved only to carry out open trench audits (civil) and electrical inspections – (step 1, 2 & 3) for Network Owner managed projects. (Not pre-commissioning and final inspections)

Network Business Auditor (Civil) –approved only to carry out open trench audits (civil) i.e. the initial pit pipe/conduit and trench inspections - step 1 for Network Owner managed projects

Note: Auditors without a current Network Owner Electrical Access Authorisations must comply with government No Go Zone Regulations

Registered training organisations

Registered Training Organisations can make application for the VEDN training packages (Module 1,4 and Module 5,6) by completing a Data Supply Agreement

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VEDN Data Supply Agreement


VEDN Module 1 course outline

VEDN Module 4 course outline

Management system auditors

Are companies that are JAS-ANZ accredited who audit integrated management systems.

Non-accredited contractors

Are civil contractors that DO NOT meet the VEDN requirements for the installation of underground electrical civil work and therefore a more rigorous auditing process is required.

Work undertaken by non-accredited civil contractors


What are the VEDN training requirements?

Civil Contractor

  • Civil Works - Module 1: Installation of underground electrical infrastructure

All civil contractors involved in the installation of underground electrical infrastructure need to be a trained person.

Civil Contractor (Hauling)

  • Civil Works - Module 1: Installation of underground electrical infrastructure
  • Laying Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) cables UETTDRCJ21A

Sufficient number of trained people to ensure that work is either directly supervised or carried out by a trained person.

Work Site Civil Auditor

  • Civil Works - Module 1: Installation of underground electrical infrastructure
  • Worksite Auditors (Civil) - Module 4: VEDN auditor training

Work Site Electrical Auditor

  • Civil Works - Module 1: Installation of underground electrical infrastructure
  • Worksite Auditors (Civil) - Module 4: VEDN auditor training
  • Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) training and experience

Network Auditor

  • Civil Works - Module 1: Installation of underground electrical infrastructure
  • Worksite Auditors (Civil) - Module 4: VEDN auditor training
  • Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) training and experience
  • Cable hauling awareness training
  • A contract with Network Owner

Management Systems Auditor

  • Integrated management systems auditor training (e.g. RABQSA or equivalent)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

VEDN approval Guidelines?


This section sets out the minimum requirements to be met by contractors seeking Victorian Electrical Distribution Network (VEDN) Owners approval for the Installation of Electrical infrastructure, Civil Works.

The information is provided for gaining approval status only and does not override the requirements of tenders, contracts or the network operator their agent.

In applying for VEDN Approval the Contractor agrees to accept the Conditions of Victorian Electricity Distribution Network Approval.

Contractors with VEDN approval status must still obtain individual project approval from the host network operator or their agent prior to access their network or commencement of projects that will form part of the distribution network.

The applicant will meet all costs associated with gaining approval.



There are 3 levels of endorsement, following approval the Contractor is eligible to tender for electrical infrastructure civil works. The Contractor and category of endorsement is listed on the VEDN website.

Prequalification Interim (3-4 months)

  • formal application received, has a management system but not audited, civil training completed

Prequalification (12 months)

  • formal application received, has an audited management system, excluding field audit, civil training completed

Accreditation (36 months)

  • formal application received, has a fully audited management system, civil training completed

What is a Management System?

The Contractor must have an integrated Health, Safety, and Environment & Quality Management System that meets the requirements of:

  • AS 4801:2001 (Safety)
  • ISI 14001:1996 (Environment)
  • ISO 9001:2000 (Quality), and
  • Contains the required VEDN Network special requirements.
    • Pre-qualified approval work type
    • Access to Network Owners technical standards
    • VEDN training
    • Project approval to proceed
    • VEDN audit requirements
    • Legal obligations
    • Plant and equipment

The Management System Elements

The Contractor must be able to demonstrate application of their Safety, Quality & Environmental systems and that it includes the following elements:

  • Induction, Training & Competency
  • Hazard identification & Risk Assessment Procedure
  • Incident Reporting & Investigation
  • Corrective Actions Process
  • Hazardous Substances & Dangerous Goods
  • Use of PPE for civil works when working under Green Book 2006
  • Consultation & Communication
  • Environmental Aspects and Impacts
  • Plant & Equipment Safety
  • An internal audit programme
  • Test and Inspection Records
  • Safety Performance Monitoring
  • Calibration, IMTE and PETE Management
  • Safe Work Practices and Procedures

VEDN News and Bulletins

Technical Standards Harmonisation Committee - Actions and Decisions